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Dare to Date .

In this brand new handbook, couples psychologist and dating course leader Aukelien van Abbema offers guidance on how to understand yourself and your own dating patterns, how to rely on your network of friends, and how to bring God into the whole process. 

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Dare to Date 

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Dare to Date is also a One Day course which can be hosted by a Church or an  organization. Please get in touch to sign up to a  future course or to host the course. 

'It's Complicated'
Matters of the heart always seem to be. But dating in the church? It can be even worse.

Relationships can be difficult to define, intentions hard to discern. But with singles making up a third of the total church congregation in the UK, there is a real need to demystify the dating process and return to dating in its simplest form.

Rediscover how to date.

In this brand new handbook, couples psychologist and dating course leader Aukelien van Abbema offers guidance on how to understand yourself and your own dating patterns, how to rely on your network of friends, and how to bring God into the whole process. Filled with wisdom, stories and practical advice, this book is a freeing reassessment of the dating scene.

Begin a whole new romantic adventure filled with hope, joy and a lot of laughter.

Go on, dare to date.

“Does your church teach on how to get from singleness to marriage in a godly way? Probably not, but this book brilliantly helps to bridge that gap. Dare to Date is essential reading for church members and leaders to further develop a much-needed healthy Christian dating culture. 

Aukelien is a Christian Psychologist who understands this topic from personal and professional experience. With God at the centre, her book warmly encourages single people with really helpful insights, stories and strategies that will improve their dating lives.”

Annabel Clarke;  Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society /  Founder and Co-chair of the Engage Network: 'making Christian marriage possible'


Single Man | Aukelien van Abbema

Singles Counseling .

If you feel stuck in being single and want help finding fun in dating again, I can help you out.

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Single  in Church

Aukelien comes up with lots of practical and fun stuff, and ways forward in the area of singleness.

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