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Single in Church .

Single in Church both validates singleness as a complete and whole and potentially happy place to be in, and it points to how a culture of healthy dating is possible in church. It looks to address the gender inequality in churches as well.


Aukelien comes up with lots of practical and fun stuff, and ways forward in the area of singleness.

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Single in Church

Church Leaders:

Did you know up to 40% of the British population is single? And did you know the vast majority of them rather would want to be married? And did you know that church congregations do not reflect those stats? And that for every 2 or 3 single women in church there is only 1 single man? This is where you as church leaders come in, and the single people entrusted to your pastoral care.


Single People:

Have you been told by your church to just 'pray and wait'? Or worse even, to 'let it go'? Are you single and finding yourself among a group of single women with no single men in sight? Than this book is for you, and for your pastor!


Single in Church both validates singleness as a complete and whole and potentially happy place to be in, and it points to how a culture of healthy dating is possible in church. It looks to address the gender inequality in churches as well. Aukelien comes up with lots of practical and fun stuff, and ways forward in the area of singleness.

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Dare to Date .

Filled with wisdom, stories and practical advice, this book is a freeing reassessment of the dating scene.

Single Man | Aukelien van Abbema

Singles Counseling .

If you feel stuck in being single and want help finding fun in dating again, I can help you out.

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