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writing .

When I write, I understand it myself. I like to write. I would prefer to write all day, but there must also be something to write about. So I read, I teach and I speak, and to organize my mind I write down what I have learned. I have published three books, two of them are also in English, and one is even in Hungarian. I also write countless blogs and columns, a selection of which can be found on this website. If you have a topic you'd like to read more about, let me know! Read more about my books below.  

Date toDate

Het relatieboek voor singles

Dit boek gaat over hoe je op een gezonde manier kunt daten, op een goede manier een relatie kan beginnen en welke vragen daarbij relevant zijn. Wat zijn je uitgangspunten in daten? Hoe is je relatie met jezelf en met de mensen om je heen? Hoe vind je iemand die bij je past? Hoe ga je om met afwijzing, en hoe wijs je zelf fatsoenlijk af?

Maar vooral: hoe ontstaat een gezonde, veilige hechting tussen jou en je partner, zodat je straks geen relatietherapeut nodig hebt? Op deze en nog veel meer vragen geeft dit boek antwoord. 

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Single in Church

Single in Church both validates singleness as a complete and whole and potentially happy place to be in, and it points to how a culture of healthy dating is possible in church.

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Dare to Date 

'It's Complicated'
Matters of the heart always seem to be. But dating in the church? It can be even worse.

Rediscover how to date.

Single Man | Aukelien van Abbema

Singles Counseling .

If you feel stuck in being single and want help finding fun in dating again, I can help you out.

Couple hugging | Aukelien van Abbema

Couples Counseling .

Falling in love again is possible! Clients tell me so over and over again. Just click the button  below to find out how.

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Emotionally Focussed Therapist

Aukelien van Abbema

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single in church, singleness in church, christian speed dating, dating in church, anxiety, depression, author, speaker, dare to date, relationships, couple, couples counseling, counseling, therapy, therapist, speaker, motivational speaker, relationship expert, Christian , Church, sad, lonely in church, Aukeline, Aukeliene, Aukelene, Abemma, Abbema, Aukelien van Abbema, counselor, professional, 

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