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"For me, this book had to be written, after discovering dating from an EFT couples counselors perspective. The fundamental elements for building a safe attachment relationship from the start are known and can be learned. This book provides all the information single people need to start dating in a healthy, meaningful way to find a love relationship that will last."

- Aukelien van Abbema, author


Aukelien draws from her vast experience as an individual counselor and as a couples counselor using both attachment science as a foundation for emotional and behavioural changes towards more healthy dating and relating.


This book is published in Dutch as "Het relatieboek voor singles" and is translated into English. It will be published in December 2024.


Please leave your contact details on this page and we will let you know once it is available to buy!

The Relationship Guide
for Single People

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Emotionally Focussed Therapist

Aukelien van Abbema

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single in church, singleness in church, christian speed dating, dating in church, anxiety, depression, author, speaker, dare to date, relationships, couple, couples counseling, counseling, therapy, therapist, speaker, motivational speaker, relationship expert, Christian , Church, sad, lonely in church, Aukeline, Aukeliene, Aukelene, Abemma, Abbema, Aukelien van Abbema, counselor, professional, 

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